For most Male to Female or MTF trans women, drag queens, and crossdressers, embracing more traditionally feminine styles can often be accompanied by one prominent problem: how do you hide the crotch bulge? If this is a problem that you’ve had to contend with when creating your own personal wardrobe, then you may have already done a little independent research and engaged with the concept of ‘tucking’. But what is tucking exactly, and which method of tucking is best suited to your own preferences when it comes to not just aesthetics and practicality, but comfort most importantly?
These are all questions we’ll be answering today in our definitive guide to tucking - learning the essentials on the why, how and what is tucking.

What is Tucking?
Tucking is a technique used to flatten the space between the legs. It involves placing one’s penis and testicles (or whatever you wish to call your genitalia) between your legs, creating a nice, smooth contour in the crotch region.
Tucking is generally considered to be a useful practice for MTF trans women, drag queens, crossdressers and a variety of other gender non-conforming gentlefolk. If you’ve ever worn a tight pair of trousers or leggings and have found yourself frustrated with the way it looks, then tucking is effectively a way to help alleviate that feeling.

Why Do People Tuck?
The primary reason people tuck today is to make sure they’re “passing”. “Passing” is a term used to describe the process of being gendered correctly. By smoothing out crotch areas and allowing for a female-presenting silhouette, MTF trans women, drag queens, and crossdressers can effectively “pass” as female in public spaces and when wearing form fitting clothes like leggings or even bathing suits.
An unfortunate reality is that being identified as transgender can still result in harassment and possible violence, so in that way tucking can serve as a precautionary measure. However, it can also just be an affirming action undertaken to make yourself feel happier with your gender and appearance.

But it’s not just gender-diverse people who want to know what is tucking. Dancers and gymnasts have traditionally done something very similar using dance belts. While the specifics are a little different, the goal is the same: it holds the genitalia in place and creates a flat and smooth appearance, which is especially helpful when wearing tight fitting clothes. Similarly, tuckwear can aid people – especially transgender women – in safely navigating spaces like the beach, by lowering the chance of their being identified as trans.
As with any gender affirming technique, it is not compulsory. Plenty of people are comfortable dressing up without tucking, but it can be a nice thing to do when you are going out and want to look your best or even if it just makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin.
How To Tuck
As outlined too by TransHub, there are generally considered to be two different ways to tuck: with a tucking gaff or with medical grade tape (not duct tape – we’ll explain why!). Here’s more information plus detailed step-by-step instructions on how you can safely tuck using both of these tucking techniques.

Using A Gaff
A gaff is a pair of tight undergarments designed specifically to help tuck, much like a dance belt or jockstrap, but designed to be more fashionable and pleasant to look at. I personally find this to be the best way to tuck, as I prefer the flexibility it offers.
There are also a range of great tucking gaffs available on the market today, so you can easily find a gaff that works best for your style and tucking needs. Check out our recommendations for the best tucking gaffs available on Tuck & Bind to get a sense of what to expect when working with these versatile devices.
Here’s How To Tuck Using a Tucking Gaff:
Step One
To begin with, you’ll want to place the gaff around your legs, so it is easier to get them in place once you are suitably tucked.
Step Two
Gently ease the testes into the inguinal canals, which are the little hollow section in your pelvis, just above your crotch. Don't force them, remember they will naturally retreat there when it is cold, so it's just a matter of guiding them into place. (Of course you can skip this step if you are comfortable doing so. Some people find it necessary, whereas some people find using tight underwear gives enough compression.)
Step Three
Once the testes are safely in place, pull your penis back between your legs and towards the buttocks. Doing this will help to hold the testes in place and help to achieve a smooth appearance.
Step Four
Pull up the gaff to keep the tuck secured. If you lack a proper gaff, you can substitute it by wearing a couple pairs of tight underwear or look into creating a DIY gaff (though these might not be as reliable at holding the tuck).

Using Tuck Tape
Holding the tuck in place with tape provides a more secure hold and allows you to wear any undergarment you wish over the top, which can especially be useful when going swimming. But it is also more restrictive and thus, can make it a bit trickier to go to the bathroom.
You should opt for skin friendly tucking tape or a convenient one piece Tuck Kit.
Here’s How To Tuck Using Tucking Tape:
Step One
If taping the tuck, it is often best to wrap the penis in some soft cloth like gauze or tissue paper to keep it cushioned and can help to prevent skin irritation.
Step Two
Tuck away the testicles with the method described before and pull the penis back towards the buttocks to hold them in place.
Step Three
Wrap the penis in some tape, making sure not to tape over the head as that is overkill.
Step Four
Layer two to three strips of medical tape along the shaft, some suggest running them along in a straight line towards the pelvic bone, while others argue it is better to layer them in an “X” shape and stick the other ends on the cheeks of your buttocks.
Step Five
Finish by putting on a nice pair of underwear on top.
Tips For Tucking
- Remember, tucking should never hurt. Mild discomfort is normal, especially when you are tucking for the first time, but your body will usually get used to the experience after a few times doing it.
- Avoid keeping yourself tucked for longer than 4-8 hours at a time, especially if you are using tape. While tucking is generally safe, you need to give your body time to breath and be free. Keeping it tucked for longer increases risks of testicular pain and torsion. It can also increase the chance of a urinary tract infection, especially if you avoid using the bathroom to escape having to reapply the tuck.
- There are some concerns that tucking can lead to fertility issues from overheating. If that is a concern for you then it may be best to hold off tucking until you have been able to visit a doctor to discuss banking your sperm.
- If you are using tape to hold it in place, then you’ll probably want to shave. It’s not necessary, but it will help to save you from some tears afterwards. Likewise, once it’s finally time to remove the tape, it is a good idea to use some coconut oil or alternative body oil, as the oil will help to break down the adhesive, which will make it easier to remove the tape without any pain. Applying oil can also help to treat any skin chafing that might occur while wearing the tape.
- Make sure the tape you’re using is designed for human skin like medical or athletic tape. It should go without saying, but do not use duct tape! You don’t want to be an embarrassing emergency room story. Before taping your sensitive extremities, try testing your tape on a part of your body that is less sensitive like your outer leg or inner arm.

Hidden Cherries Gaffs
While taping offers some advantages, gaffs are reusable and most importantly, are easy to put on and take off. Tuck & Bind offers a decent range of gaffs in multiple styles. Personally, I would recommend the Hidden Cherries Brief style.
Tucking Tape
If you’re looking to tape the tuck in place, then Tuck & Bind offers a range of binding tape designed for use on human skin, coming in a range of colours to help camouflage with your skin tone.
T-Tape Tuck Kit
Alternatively you could check out the T-Tape Tuck Kit, which was specially designed for tucking and provides a neater and more secure hold than regular tape.
Smoothing Underwear
If you’re not looking for the full binding hold of a gaff, but would still like something with mild compression, Tuck & Bind offers a range of gender affirming underwear.
Understanding What Is Tucking
If you’re interested in safe and secure tucking for your own gender expression, then let this 'what is tucking' aserve as a launchpad and take care tucking to your heart’s content. Explore our full range of tucking gaffs available in our gender affirming store here at Tuck & Bind, or get in touch with one of our friendly staff members for more information on any of the tucking essentials we provide. We’re here to help you better understand what is tucking and finding the most suitable tucking solution to suit your style, wardrobe, and gender expression, wherever you may be on your own journey.